Brian Onishi, associate professor of philosophy at Penn State Altoona, has published a new book. “The Call of the Eco-Weird in Fiction, Film, and Games” is the first volume to identify the eco-weird as an umbrella term for the intersection of environmental thought and weird fiction.
Harriett Gaston will present “Bedford, Blair, and Centre County African American Historians: The 19th Century to the 21st Century” at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 17, in the Pond View Lounge of the Slep Student Center.
John Eicher, associate professor of history at Penn State Altoona and current United States National Endowment for Humanities Fellow, will present his lecture “Postmodernity” on Wednesday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hollidaysburg Library.
John Eicher, associate professor of history at Penn State Altoona and 2023-24 Bechtel Lecturer at the University of Waterloo's Conrad Grebel University College, delivered the lecture "A Plot-Driven People: Mennonite Narratives in the Age of Nationalism (1870-1945)" on March 22 at the college.
A new approach to reading a medieval French narrative text suggests that gender identity 600 years ago was just as complex as it is today, according to Brooke Findley, associate professor of French and women’s, gender and sexuality studies at Penn State Altoona.
Students enrolled in English 487W offered senior seminar presentations on Thursday, Dec. 9, focused on the theme of “Rhetoric and Literature of Social Movements and Social Change.”
When Penn State Altoona student Tyler Frye collaborated on a research project with other Penn State researchers, it didn’t just lead to a paper being published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice — it was also the springboard toward a career he never envisioned for himself.
As early as 18,000 years ago, humans in New Guinea may have collected cassowary eggs near maturity and then raised the birds to adulthood, according to an international team of scientists.
Award-winning poet Todd Davis, known for his lyric meditations on the natural beauty of his Pennsylvania home ground, will offer a reading as part of the Mary E. Rolling Reading Series. Davis is also a professor of English and environmental studies at Penn State Altoona.
Penn State faculty Andrea McCloskey and Sam Tanner are quite serious about the often comedic artform of improv. They are two of the four founders of Happy Valley Improv, and behind the performative emotions the two are whittling away at how their artform can serve to transform teaching in the classroom.